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Welcome to Baquer Zaidi's Website!

Although Baquer Zaidi's demise from this mortal world is a huge loss, his legacy lives on and will continue to enhance and enrich the lives of those associated with Urdu literature.

Baquer Zaidi was an outstanding contemporary poet who has proven his talent in multiple genres. Although he didn't start poetry until late in his life, his craft is exemplary and artistically unique in its ways. His contribution to Urdu literature has been appreciated around the world and will continue to benefit the Urdu lovers for years to come.

بعض شاعروں کو ایک مدّت تک پڑھنے اور سننے کے بعد بھی یہ احساس رہتا ہے کے سنِ بلوغت کی طرف ان کا سفر ابھی جاری ہے. مگر باقر زیدی کی شاعری کا آغاز ہی سنِ بلوغ کا حسن و جمال اپنے اندر سموۓ ہوۓ تھا

شہاب کاظمی
(M.A Urdu Literature )

It is Baquer Zaidi’s beautiful word choice, his elevated thoughts, and his profound observations that led him to create the poetic masterpieces. His poetry not only touches the heart but also leads the human mind through a thoughtful process. This was the reason that his first book, "Lazzat-e-Guftar," won the "Best Book of the Year" award by Urdu Markaz International, USA. Additionally, "Furat-e-Sukhan," the book of his Marsias was praised with "Husn-e-Sukhan" award by Aasar-o-Afkar Academy, Karachi.